#given that I'm mostly drawing fandom stuff
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solanj · 2 months ago
sometimes in the fandom you see some art that is SO beautifully made but goes SO against the grain of how you perceive the drawn character(s) like I want to reblog it so much because it's so visually gorgeous and the artist is amazing and deserves to know this but I'll fucking die before letting that particular interpretation of the character(s) anywhere near my blog
#personal#don't take it as vagueposting#it's about A LOT of art I've seen over the years and I just got reminded of some of it#fandoms in general tend to take the characterization of nuanced characters in certain very specific direction#that irritates me to an absolutely unreasonable degree#and I don't want to rain on anyone's parades#it's fandom and it's for fun there is no way to enjoy your fictional guys wrong#so I mostly keep silent about it#but given sufficient time pretty much every fandom drifts into the state where I can't engage with it#without seeing red like three posts into the tag#even the art tag#and I feel so weird sitting there with my different perception#pretty isolated#which is self-imposed and not exactly bad but still weird#luckily I have some close friends that I can still have in-depth discussions abt the media and characters with#but online fandoming eventually gets blood-boiling rather than fulfilling#which is especially idk weird?#given that I'm mostly drawing fandom stuff#and I kinda SHOULD be interacting with the fandom#and I'd love to have talks of those fictional guys#they are great guys and I love to talk about them#but then I poke my nose into the fandom and my blood gets boiling#it's weird being a fandom artist outside of the fandom is what I'm saying xD#especially once you get used to the boost of motivation and productivity that comes from being in the fandom#and I kinda miss that but also well nothing to be done about that#don't mind me and sorry for the rant
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xbraveheartx · 1 year ago
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So I know the quality sucks and we don't get any better quality to compare, but I just wanted to point out that, yes. Baby Carlo has freckles. Very few of them. But you can see the ones he had since he was a wee young lad standing out in his painting.
Go ahead and go into the game and stand in front of the portrait. Compare their faces. I'll wait c:
Here's a full/clean version of his portrait if you want to stare at it
So anyways like I was saying before--
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dogtoling · 4 months ago
General life- and blog update , since I assume at least a few people might have been wondering where I've been and what i've been up to recently. I obviously haven't been posting or drawing much this year in general. This will probably be an important post if you care about stuff on this blog, and I already rambled on Sheezy, but that site isn't very populated yet and it's also very good at hiding journals so let's just ramble again...
The summary of this post if you hate reading: I'm heavily considering just stepping away from Splatoon. That decision obviously would affect this blog (mostly, my OCs, which is kinda most of the blog at this point). I don't think the blog itself will go anywhere, and I'll probably use it for something in the future... alternatively i'll cherry pick stuff from here into an archive for people who like the worldbuilding.
Longer post under cut:
So what have I been up to this year? The answer is quite simple: NOTHING. Like, actually absolutely nothing. Aside from Art Fight, this has probably been one of my worst art output years of all time, which is really frustrating. That's between my horrendous mental health and depression chasms this year and a complete lack of both focus and inspiration (which can also get chalked down to the depression to a degree, yeah). So the very real reason to why there hasn't been much activity on this blog this year is because I just haven't Done Anything in general.
Now because I know there will be a few people who think "that's fine! you shouldn't judge yourself based on productivity!" you're right! I also agree. However the issue for me specifically is that most (if not all) the time I spend NOT drawing or creating, I spend sitting around wishing I could start drawing or creating, because that is like the 1 thing that keeps me sane on this freaking earth. Unfortunately coming up with OC scenarios in my head doesn't really result in output I can feel fulfilled by in any form as much as I wish it did, lol.
Now; The Issue. It doesn't take a genius to see that if you spend 9 months trying to finish like a dozen OC pages that you COULD do in a week or 2 if you wanted to, then there's probably more than just the problem of executive dysfunction (even though that's at least 60% of it for sure). Obviously my other major problem is that I live by imaginary rules and structures that make sense, but aren't actually useful at ALL in reality and are more than a hindrance if anything (the mental to do-list in my head that says i can't do X until I've done Y doesn't do very much if task Y takes 10 months and I also don't want to do it, and it also has no structured ending).
How does this tie into stepping away from Splatoon, you may ask. Well, the issue is that I have foreseeably fallen out of love with the series. Which isn't exactly news lol. Currently, I'm not even sure i will get the next game, if and when the time comes. Yes, the loss of interest is also expected, given that Splatoon 3 has ended and every fandom has this kind of downtime and lukewarm in-between-titles period. But the truth is that modern Splatoon (almost 10 years old!!!!) is tangibly different from the way the series was back when I fell in love with it. That was Splatoon 1, and while the series has improved in a lot of aspects and is thriving, it's grown in a direction that I just don't really like. Splatoon 3 had the most freaking horrendous, immersion breaking story mode they could've done, then they followed it up with a DLC story that was pretty cool but also compounded a lot of my fears about the series' future and played into every single thing i do not want Splatoon stories to be - fully character focused, random fucking villain, mundane event that's unrealistically world-threatening just because a kids video game needs a scary climax even though it's immersion breaking AGAIN, the whole thing taking place in cyberspace and thus offering basically no worldbuilding even though there is SO MUCH WORLD. I COULD GO ON.
The gist of it is that nowadays, rather than playing Splatoon and being inspired and excited at what comes next, I mostly find myself dreading what dumbass plot they will do next to throw a wrench in the otherwise good stuff. And when that's like THE main approach I have to what's supposed to be my favorite series, it is HARROWING. I can't even really blame the game for this; the story is NOT its selling point, the developers probably do their best to get the bits to us that they really want to tell, and at the end of the day the game is unfortunately a product. Worldbuilding for Splatoon is fun to a point. It's less fun when in order to actually write or create something coherent, instead of filling in the blanks, the blanks are 90% of the freaking thing. At that point you're just better off making something of your own instead of being anchored onto an IP that gives more problems than answers and occasionally shoots you with like a machine gun. Working in the realm of Splatoon is frustrating because more often than not, the questions I have ARE NOT MINE TO ANSWER, and the likelihood that the specific-ass questions I need answers to will ever be actually addressed is really low.
Tying this back to my OCs. Obviously I love my OCs more than I love myself which admittedly isn't that high of a bar but you get the point. The problem is that I spend a lot of time mulling over worldbuilding that, again, frankly isn't mine to do. Because if I want it to be Splatoon, then it should be mostly accurate to how Splatoon is! But the problem with that is that there's really not THAT MUCH worldbuilding in the series that you can work with, and most of the core game mechanics are just abstract enough that it's actually horrendous to try and come up with workarounds and ways for things to make sense that don't require just constructing a full knockoff version mirror dimension of the game and saying fuck everything that's in place here because Inkopolis Plaza literally has no roads in or out of there and I have no fucking idea how that's allowed when your only option is to jump the fence (or, nowadays, take the train which also isnt connected to a street as far as I remember). Between the face value issue and the lack of REALLY IMPORTANT worldbuilding, like - I will always come back to this - THE INK TANK'S FUNCTION 10 YEARS DOWN THE LINE - there's a goddamn ocean of plot holes and things that end up being obstacles to creativity rather than inspiration. I feel like I'm pretty solidly at the point (and have been for a while) where hanging onto Splatoon is really only contributing to creativity block and frustration with lack of freedom and the ability to actually do things.
So I guess those are my reasonings that I've put together just sitting here for the time being. The TL;DR is that I wish I could just do stuff without Splatoon's canon getting in the way, which is a really stupid problem to have if you're making Splatoon OCs. I feel this frustration extremely strongly every time I have to work with actual bigger aspects of the world; we still don't have an Inkopolis map, we don't know what the world around Inkopolis looks like, we don't know what the wilderness is like aside from Just Normal Forest and Desert and very few snippets as to what modern wildlife MIGHT be, I still don't know how the fuck the Inklings teleport to the goddamn arctic ocean to play a turf war at Shipshape Cargo co. These are all actually really important things if you're trying to establish a setting in any kind of storytelling that's outside of immediate city bounds (and even there, you need to know the layout of the city and its important areas). Also a fucking mutant bear and a baby salmon and a squid not wearing suitable gear went to space and fought on a rocket in space. These are some things that would give me peace of mind to not have to deal with in my own writing, probably.
So where do we go from here? Unsure. I haven't really made a decision on this front yet, though right now I'm leaning more towards actually going ahead with trying to do my own thing. That will result in obvious design and setting changes for my OCs whenever I get around to it. This blog probably won't go anywhere (again, unless I impulse delete it during a mood swing like i've almost done on like three separate occasions this year), but it will probably get less use, and I will probably end up making a new blog to post about whatever I end up doing once I get to a point where it feels like it makes sense. There's a chance that I will delete this blog and put all the interesting stuff on an archive blog for the people who are here just for the worldbuilding. My actual true passion for a long time now hasn't even been Splatoon anymore, it's just been cephalopods. I'm kind of done having Splatoon get in the way of the cephalopods, as thankful as I am that it introduced me to them...
If you read this to the end heres a treat for you = 🍪
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some-triangles · 3 months ago
I found a video essay which is about Neil Gaiman but is also a critique of fandom culture from the left. It's fun! My guy dresses up as Death from the Seventh Seal and talks about Roland Barthes in rhyming couplets. It's too long and overly pleased with itself but hey, leftists.
I took a break while watching it to go on a milk run to the bourgeois grocery store (might as well not abbreviate it under the circumstances) and saw this:
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Given that the video was just talking about Gaiman being more a brand than an author I took this as a sign to share my two cents.
The cents are these: beyond considerations of fandom, parasocial attachment, Death of the Author and capitalism, which the video covers admirably*, can we posit that the art you find yourself the most attracted to as a teenager might not be stuff you should be buying as an adult?
*(they do quote an Alan Moore article from The Fucking Guardian in which he says he hates the growing trend of treating authors as "part of the costumed entertainment" without pointing out that the man wears a costume at all times, which is part of his branding, just like Gaiman. Also maybe given the company he keeps we should start asking more questions about Lost Girls. But I digress.)
Do you want to live in the moral universe of C.S. Lewis? J.D. Salinger? J.K. Rowling? J.R.R. Tolkien? (Maybe going by one's initials is the problem here, actually.) A grown person who thinks for a living shouldn't be going around saying that Neil Gaiman is one of their heroes. Even if you like his books, you've got to admit that the dude's mostly style and reference, that his actual insights don't go beyond those of a bright teenager. It's commodified rebellion for rebellion fans, sitting on the shelf next to Rowling's commodified conformity for conformity fans. We can still have fun with pop but we have to understand that the people who make it are in the sales business. (Yes, even Kendrick.)
The reason this stuff is constantly sold back to you is that it's really easy to sell things to children. The less like a child you become, the harder it is to market to you, so it's in the interests of money to draw you back to your childhood in a million different ways. So: grow up and get some esoteric, contradictory tastes, just to fuck with them. Cut out the hero worship - don't respect people for their "talent" any more than you would respect them for being rich. This will make you less likely to be starstruck enough to follow around a third-rate tumblr daddy dom who thinks he's a wizard.
(no, not me)
Finally, because I'm also a leftist, here's the overlong and self-satisfied part. I read a lot of Gaiman in high school but I also read a lot of one of Gaiman's heroes, Harlan Ellison. He was my favorite! I liked him because he was stylish, aggressive, arrogant and brutal. Teenagers like power and he had it. The fact that none of his stories had real people in them and that he seemed to have a problem with women in particular was nothing to me in the face of his Muscular Prose. Then I went to college and met some people who were smarter than me.
I ended up dumping Ellison for what was in his work, long before I knew much about all the other stuff. Same thing with Gaiman. So if you're worried about being let down by one of your heroes, I suggest looking at all of them carefully. Particularly at their feet. (Not for horny reasons.) And then maybe stop looking at them at all and go do something else.
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rangerangel · 3 months ago
Given that it's been almost 6 months since I was last on tumblr or in the RA community, I thought it was time to talk about some of the stuff that was going on with Ranger Angel these days.
I haven't painted or drawn a single thing since August of 2024. I haven't regularly drawn for Ranger's Apprentice since November of 2023. In some ways, it feels unbelievable that time has passed that quickly--during my early 20s I woke up and pretty much lived and breathed in this fandom. But as time has gone on, I've felt incredibly creatively stunted. If I learned how to draw by drawing the same 7 characters, how do I draw anything else? Where do I pull creativity from if it's not RA? What do I do when the books no longer spark the same joy?
I've really missed this community too. You guys were the people who encouraged me to learn to draw, and the ones who celebrated every piece I put out--even when they sucked! I met my husband here and I've even travelled internationally to meet several of you. And yet when I sit down to express myself on a canvas, I don't have anything left to give to Ranger's Apprentice or the people that love the series. I've got no more artistic energy, and no more thoughts to share on the series for now.
At the end of the day, I don't want this to be a goodbye. For a lot of you in this fandom who did not ever know me, I'm sure this is a little melodramatic. This is mostly just a thank you to the people who were here while I learned and grew, and a "hope I see you again" to everyone who loves the series the way I once did. <3 I'll be around, and maybe one day I'll come back to this fandom with the energy I think it deserves.
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creatingblackcharacters · 3 months ago
Hi Ice! This one is maybe a little on the outskirts of 'creating Black characters', but it is related to the introspective questions you posted a little while back, so I thought I'd ask for your opinion. I'm sure this isn't an one-easy-answer thing, so I'd love to hear from any other Black people reading this as well!
I'll try to keep it short.
I'm seven years and 300k+ words deep in a fanfiction about anthropomorphic animal characters, and your introspective questions made me face the fact that I've been the ignorant fandom racist. I wrote my main character as white. Now, 7 years later, I stumble over a post pointing out ... those are locs
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I don't know if the authors intended for this character to be Black (nonblack voice actors, supplementary material also clearly doesn't draw him this way, though that stuff was all over the place re: consistency) and I frankly also am not sure if they Should have, given his role in the narrative, but a) that's not really up to me to speak on and b) he's got locs and mostly black fur and was inspired by Anubis. I've been whitewashing, there's no way around it.
I briefly considered going back and just straight up changing the story to make him Black, but I quickly realized that I have been writing him from a white-centered narrative and just slotting a Black character into that would arguably be Worse. Or at least racist in a brand new way. I can change how he takes care of his hair, but not the themes on which the entire narrative is built upon. I've been writing about a white man and I can't just pretend I haven't.
So my question to you is ... what now? How do I best acknowledge this? Do I just quietly come to terms with the fact that this story is racist and do better next time? I would like to acknowledge it in some way, I have a small but loyal audience and if I could use that platform to start a conversation (or just put out a 'hey, don't be like me') that would ... maybe at least be better than nothing? Possibly?
I know there's not a simple solution here that will Fix It, but I thought I'd ask an actual Black person who's open to educating what might be a good next move. Maybe avoid making another, new White Person Blunder. Here's to hoping.
I really appreciate all you do, your blog rocks and so do you.
Is that Shadow?
Okay, so I had to have a conversation with Hot Chocolate on this one because this one's a doozy! I appreciate that you're willing to stop and reflect though. Most people wouldn't be willing to do so this far in!
Admittedly, the fact that you're seven years into this means this will require a lot of effort. And, tbh, I might be confused bc I cannot tell what that character is 😅 So! After some thought, here's what we came up with:
Take a hiatus. Point blank period. Take a BREAK, do not pass go, do not collect $200! Idk what lore you've written, but you've written a lot of it. Take as long as you need to reread your works, and see if at any point you ever made it clear that this was a white person, or anything other than the Black character you now think they should be. If it feels undefined, where you can turn "hair" into "locs" or add in small details, then that could be your smooth way out. It doesn't have to be massive changes, but it could help. It'll take you time, for sure! But you dug seven years in, it's gone take you time to dig out. Maybe if you skim 15k words a week (or ctrl-F it for hair, for examples), that's... 20 weeks? Go at your own pace, faster or slower.
Unfortunately this happens a lot, where influences for characters will be taken from cultures of colors and improperly represented (the "African" god from Genshin). That's just a fact. So I don't necessarily blame you for the confusion, but... Now you know.
If possible, get a sensitivity reader! Preferably a Black one. Ngl, given the massive amount of work, you're likely going to have to pay them. Maybe give them half and you take half. Idk, but let another pair of eyes look at your work. Or maybe there's a Black reader that you could speak to and see how they feel about the potential change.
Should you choose to keep going, just try to be more purposeful and intentional about that character's Blackness. Definitely tell your readers what you figured out, why it's important to you, and then move forward from there.
Now, RECOGNIZE that many of them will NOT be pleased! That's kind of the thing about opening your eyes when it comes to racism in media! A lot of people will NOT be happy that you decided to be more intentional, especially if they've been imagining their favorite white guy for seven years. You're going to have to weigh your integrity and your will to create against that. People might leave, people that you thought were cool AF until it was time to show true colors. Be ready for that.
But that's just what I would do 🤷🏾‍♀️
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rococo-sonata · 3 months ago
they're sitting in my notes for so long i can't take it anymore
it's mostly silly stuff (*^ー^)ノ♪
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- Kunikida doesn't really need glasses (given the amount of time he breaks them and does just fine, when i don't have my glasses i'm walking into walls) they're mainly for rest but he keeps them all the time bcs it makes him look cool
- you know that scene where he's showed as a teacher. it's atsushi imagining him. my hcs is he wasn't actually a highschool teacher but an elementary school part time teacher (or some kind of trainee which explain why he was already teaching at 19-20yo) and he came to give math and science classes. Because there is so many time where we see him being so sweet with kids (aya, that poor girl with the bombs, also in beast that boy he hugs after akutagawa scared him💔). He would be so nice even if he would be strict and would 100% make his students do magic coloring with multiplication and all.
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- the fandom often pictures him as some goody two shoes or whatever. he really is not☠️ They mostly think that because he values discipline and excellence, which is only bcs their part of his ideals. He literally hates autority and he'll only follows the rules that goes along with his ideals. You know what that is. Anarchism!!!!
- everyday he waters the agency's plants being unaware they're all fake
- super strict with grammar in texts. he'll send shit like "Dear Atsushi, Can you please take out the trash? Love, Kunikida Doppo."
- during the episode that mention his ideal partner, when atsushi reads the list he seems super weirded out and embarassed, and he mentions a "drawing" Kunikida made, while Kunikida doesn't seem ashamed of it at all. so in my head he probably drew some stick figure with absurdly big boobs or smth. (i know the anime ruined Dazai Entrance Exam but i still like this idea it's funny.)
- sleeps with his notebook under his pillow and freaks out when he find it on the ground in the morning.
- reposts ai videos asking "did that really happen...?😰😮"
- he is autistic and his notebook is basically a list of his ocd
- he was bullied by ranpo when he was still a newbie (it's mentionned in Kunikida and katai magnificient day)
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- having kids was on his ideal list. he crossed it after rokuzo
- kenji gives him drawings sometimes and he frames them all and keep them on his desk
- he can't tie a tie for shit that's why he sticks with his ribbon
i have some more about him and others characters maybe i'll post them later ^_^
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jerich0two · 1 year ago
While I'm at it, here's a belated
Intro Post
because I've been more active on Tumblr than I thought I would be (which is always the way!)
Also, a quick "before you ask" section!
You can repost my work on Bluesky if you want (no other sites, thanks, they feed all images to AI), but please credit me there so people can find my page if they like my work ^^
You can use my fanart for personal stuff! (e.g., profile pics, wallpapers, banners, etc.) Credit is appreciated but not necessary. But please don't try to profit off it or claim you made it yourself.
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I have a Lackadaisy-focused sideblog! You can find it here: @jeriandcompany
(I've given my intro post a bit of a revamp now that I've spent some more time on Tumblr!)
Hey! I'm Jeri. I use any pronouns. I'm happiest when you use whatever you like on me, no caveats, no rules, totally up to you. Mix it up or stick to one. Ah, the marvel of choice!
I'm aroace, and I post content relating to both spectrums now and then. My personal experience is no attraction of any kind in either respect, but I try to read about other experiences too ^^
I mostly post fanart on this blog, with the very occasional, once-in-a-blue-moon fanart-adjacent post. I like to experiment with new brushes and techniques each time I draw, so my art doesn't end up looking all that consistent. The primary fandom I make art for is Hazbin Hotel, but I'm also a big fan of Lackadaisy! Along with a scattering of other things that I'll mention if it ever seems prudent.
I don't do commissions at the moment, but I'm considering mayyybe opening them at some point during the summer, once I figure out how I'll take payment! Fanart requests for the fandoms I'm in are A-OK through asks, but no promises I'll get them done.
That seems about it for things worth knowing!
(If I think of anything else that I ought to put here, I'll edit it in.)
(P.S. I don't consider myself a furry, the fox is just my mascot, and, not at all coincidentally, my favourite animal. AND (while I'm sure the concept is as old as time) I was inspired to make the little intro drawing after seeing the one @/nouverx made! Remove the slash if you'd like to check him out, I don't want to bother anyone by tagging them /lh)
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inkyu · 2 months ago
Do you have any old art or comics you gave up on?
I have been given the power to go on a super yap... :happy: :happy: :happy:
I have a lot of stories I gave up on because I had too many (20 if I recall right), but the ones I've kept/survived from my middle school story purge were Two Over A Kind, and Shadow Killed. However I have other stories that came after those two after I entered high school such as Mandela's Requiem, Backyard Thursday, Never So Norm, Collidests, and Rose Burnt, (yes I have a lot of stories, but they're not lore heavy so they might seem short/fast)
Although the only official rendition of a comic out right now would be Mandela's Requiem but I want to re-draw it in a different format similar to my ask blog @ask-the-druggieverse and what Homestuck uses because it's easier and I can gather all the images I draw and upload it YouTube for people to read
As for old art? oh geez I have a LOT of old art....
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I'll put it under a read more and separate them by year U_U
Also blood warning (gore maybe too? not sure what to label it-) and huge and tiny spoilers for Mandela's requiem!!! (I just felt very proud of those drawings and I also can't help myself but show the future plans I have for MR's story!!) (and also characters that will appear in MR's epilogues!)
Part 2 Post
(Also if you see this in a fandom tag I.E Undertale, The Last Dimension.... Dream SMP. (neutral) then that's why (This was back in 2020 and I was still in 7th-8th grade at this time (I'm a senior right now) so don't judge me(I only drew beeduo and Michael so don't worry it's not those creature (IYKYK)))
(And no, I don't plan on drawing any DSMP in the near future, maybe if requested and the person isn't problematic (I.E Ranboo, Tubbo etc etc) however for the problomatic ones they will get heavy re-design/name change so they don't resemble their og character/persona to seperate the two more because I don't like looking at them knowing what they did. (Especially C!Wilbur, I view him looking different/being named something else)) (sorry if I keep yapping about this I know people hate the DSMP so much and I don't want to get attacked again (I've been attacked before in the past for liking it back in 2021-2022 on my old TT account (deactivated, my current TT account is dead and I never want to return to TT again.) so just mentioning DSMP on my main blog scares me a bit I hope you understand!))
2025 (Hey!! this Year!! :D)
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some of these you've seen I'm guessing, I haven't drawn a lot of stuff yet but it's still the first month of 2025 ^w^, as for the first image It's still a W.I.P as there's other batches I need to complete! (If you wanna see them feel free to ask) I'm also gonna change it so that Cream is the son of Nicecream guy because when designing Cream I had the intentions of him being an OC and not an AU, Nicecream guy legit had 0 part to play when making him
Same goes for Hamburg, Calliope, and Basil as they're based of existing OC's mainly and not undertale OC's when they were supposed to (crazy)
Image Order:
1st: Fiddletale mini batch No.3
2nd: A Backyard Thursday trio!
3rd: Consent!Sans
4th: An ATDV Panel
5th: Someone needed help drawing beards so I made a ref to help U_U
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None of these I bet anyone has seen unless they're in discord servers I'm in
Anywhos, these are mostly oc's and 1 MAU I've talked about before (slice of pie verse)
Image Order
1st: My first drawing of 2024!! it's for my my OC story "Never So Norm" I was trying to find a design for Aliza AKA Ty's mom!, I'm gonna re-deisgn her again later because I don't see her as skinny anymore but a little more chubby U_U
2nd: Mandela's Requiem's epilogue characters! for any creepypasta fans out there yes... MR is like super/heavily inspired off of CRP characters, plus Ben Drowned was free game sense no one owned him (Nintendo technically own's this character legally but hey, fuck it we ball), and as for Casey I think you can guess who she's a walmart version of (Rina is completely original, I only added the "the killer" part cuz I thought it would be silly)
3rd: Backyard Thursday god silhouette list! I haven't fully drawn them out and needed some silhouette's to see how they would all look like!
4th: Mandela's Requiem epilogue Chester character sheet! I haven't touched this specific character sheet in a LONG time and need to come back to it as this story is one of the very few stories that has a small cast of characters to work on!!
5th: Slice Of Pieverse unified!Nightmare hehe ^w^ tiny spoilers: In SOPV fusion is a thing after the calamity happened (it's a split timeline of Underverse where Bill!Sans is a bit more important) although this isn't a "fusion" form, families (either blood related or adopted) don't fuse, they unify (essentially they can use each others abilities/their abilities become stronger)
2023 (oh geez, the in-between era of my old and current style..)
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All of these are oc's (that includes the DGRP oc)
Image Order
1st: MY SILLIES FROM TWO OVER A KIND!!! ILY GUYS SMMM The main character isn't there but eh, these were re-designs ish as some of them changed from being half-vampire to full human (Duke & Jackey) and some just needed color palate changes or design changes (David & Luu)
2nd: I think my 3rd or 5th attempt at lineless? I don't know but I remember struggling a lot to do lineless so I just kinda just gave up, but hey! Look at me now! I really love lineless art now!!
3rd: My Danganronpa OC Yaku Unmei (or just Unmei) for a cancelled DGRP roleplay (I do not support the creator of the old roleplay. She intentionally or not has groomed minors into being desensitized to NSFW (I was already desensitized to it from the past but it's still fucked up) and wrote proship stuff.(I don't fucking care if it was for "accuracy" that shit was clearly a fetish. I can't believe your friends made me think for a second you weren't a groomer all because you have autism that's fucking insane.)) On a different note because I'm still not over that whole situation and person. (trauma response sorry) Unmei while being the ultimate unlucky student is one of the survivors of the killing game! If it was still ongoing... now she's just a DGRP OC that I might implement into one of my main stories
4th: More Never So Norm doodles! This time of beta-Terezi and Samy interacting! not too proud of how I drew Samy but hey... this is the inbetween era... :3
5th: Our lord and savior Jake Murdalinn who's also from Never So Norm, I love you Jake Murdalinn, my favorite ghost hunter and SFX crew guy
2022 (oh man the nostalgia is kicking in guys) (this folder and before it are so disorganized I cannot tell you which drawing I did after my first one in order U_U)
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Oh geez... t h a t e r a... the era where I would just create create create and procrastinate a lot, I'm thankful for all of the characters that came out of it though
Image Order
1st: my Frist drawing of 2022, aka my OC 0-Riguren or Origuren (twas my mash mash words = name era as well), he's from TOAK (and needs a HEAVY re-design and STAT.)
2nd: Fanart of Phillip from the last dimension on webtoon! Also tiny fun fact! Phillip was the other inspiration for my OC Danny (I haven't drawn him yet but I have an idea) (Although the main inspiration was yet again, Karkat Vantas (Homestuck is one of my special interests so I have a lot of stuff inspired from Homestuck))
3rd: a TOAK height chart line up, and my second time trying to make one! my first time was.... augh... heavy note on making a height chart, there are going to be a lot of characters being similar in height and there's no need to worry about that (I worried about it my first time around...)
4th: Ah yes, Fiddletale... and.... Bartertale. (NOTE: Barter is no longer a sans or an AU, he's just an OC that's in BT along with Fiddle(long story but after Fiddletale ends It's no longer an AU however people can still claim it as an AU IDC bc everyone's gonna get re-designs for BT so essentially they're separate characters in a way)), some changes between Bartertale!Barter and Backyard Thursday!Barter: AU: Cis Man, A Sans, Skeleton, Out!Code BT: Trans Man, Half-Human Half-Skeleton no undertale involved, just a regular citizen trapped in a country in a forever winter Also Fiddle and Barter are husbands in BT <3
5th: The very first drawing I've done for Collideists... Also fun fact: This story would have never been made if I never joined an event in a discord server I'm in where everyone was making these species called "Shadow Creatures" I chipped in and created a "Light Creature" concept and things went on from there
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Do you SEE how different my style was back in 2021!? oh lord... I'm like- super proud of my development... heh...
Image Order
1st: Amari Feng, She's from my given up story called "A Fantasized Beginning", I gave up on this story because I had too many stories and this one just had too much stuff going on (In short: It's basically RWBY and MHA mixed into one, kids go to school to become pro-hero's in outer-space because an evil group known as "the dark entropy" were colonizing/taking over planets and the heros had no idea how they kept doing it, and then BOOM!!! PLOT FUCKING TWIST!!! the number 1 pro-hero was the one conducting the evil groups plans all along and the hero get's stopepd by the MC's, although the colonizing and taking over doesn't stop as more villains pop up and hero's continue being hero's but this time the hero's have a easier time saving everyone) I made this story when I was in middle school along with many others, although after I did my story purge the only two stories that survived were Shadow Killed and Two Over A Kind (TOAK had a massive story overhaul and is not like it's OG plotline) I don't have plans to go back to this story, however I might if I complete all of my stories before I die, which I'm sure I will because I'm shortening a lot of them, and if I do I will DEF shorten AFB by a lot because middle school me planned like 16 something seasons (jesus.) (Also Amari was not the MC but an antagonist that later becomes an MC and was heavily inspired off of Himiko Toga(Can you tell?))
2nd: Heh... My first attempt at lineless art.... This is also back when Blipthyn was blue and was named Blueprint, I do not like TOAK's 5th rendition of a story as I was going through a hard time and heavily trauma dumped the shit out of that specific rendition of TOAK and just scrapped a lot of it, only a few things I liked survived in the current 6th? 7th? version of the story and I plan to keep it that way unless it becomes too long in my eyes
3rd: THE CTT!!! CHAOS TIME TRIO!!! Also my fist art/was around the time I met my friends Keter and Geno in the lunime discord server! we all loved undertale at this time and formed this group, a lot of things changed about each character so these are their old/beta designs, however this piece still has a place in my heart because of how special it is to me :hearts:
4th: I'm gonna be for real with you I have no fucking clue who this was for These aren't my characters nor do I remember the person who created these OC's, I do know I was very proud of this drawing because I made the other person super happy, I just dunno who it was so if by any chance you're the creator of these characters hi!!! :3
5th: Heh... Hello Swap <3 ILY <3
????-2020 (I don't know if all of this art was from 2020, all I know is that I shoved a bunch of art in this folder because I didn't wanna loose it XP) (also this only has 4 because I reached the 30 image limit so I will make a part 2 of my yap session U_U)
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HEAVY NOTE: I do not support the problematic creators of the DSMP. I am a firm believer in separating the art from artist(s) to an extent. If both the art and Artist are problematic they can't be separated (I.E TCOAAL(I hate this game and creator.))
I do not support Dream, Wilbur Soot, ETC ETC, Even though I don't talk about the DSMP on this blog often I will refer to the roleplay characters with different names to help further separate the RP characters and person I.E: Wilbur: Wynter(Or Winter)(Sorry but ever sense the Shelby stuff my brain magically imagined a different guy in C!Wilbur's place)(i'm being so fucking fr rn, every time someone mentions C!Wilbur I think of someone different same goes for the others too), Dream: Delusion and Ambition(For DreamXD), George: Cogs ETC ETC (In fact I encourage anyone still in the DSMP fandom to do the same cuz Dream is getting a little too close to his DSMP character rn...)
Image Order
1st: Laim! he's also from another cancelled story called 12-15-22-5, or also known as 12-15-22-5 Project: Life this story was a romance between a resurrected angel heading and a human, the resurrected angel's goal from the company he was revived from was to find a way to break someone's heart/love to the point of dying so that they could kill a god (for some reason?? my middle school self never really specified why) However things backfire as the resurrected Angel falls in love with the love interest (heh... not straight BTW...) and other resurrected angels are sent after him and his friends because it'll "sabotage" their plan, I never planned an ending for this story but I do remember that this story was inspired off of HXH and Four Leaf on webtoon
2nd: I'm gonna be so fr I don't know why I made this character (his name is Phrog)
3rd: Ian and Damien's first ever design <33 And also Shadow Killed's first ever concept art! their designs have been changed by now so yeah :(, in fact this art was made back when I was beginning to feel happy again, although that died out because Middle School was super rough for me.
4th: Ah yes.... DSMP.... Beeduo.... and... MICHEAL!!! (This was back when the DSMP was at it's prime from my knowledge... augh...) I'm gonna so fr with you I never saw Michael (Beeduo's adopted child) as white I'm so sorry, I always viewed Michael as black I don't know why I did I just did XP, no hate to anyone who views Michael as white, I just never saw it myself This isn't ship art btw. You will be blocked if tagged as ship. (Not Threatening/Serious)
Part 2 Soon (Mainly for the comics because I reached the photo limit and I wanna show some old comic panels now :( )
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kaiserouo · 3 months ago
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Wow i actually have enough rendered pieces to make an art summary this year. Just barely tho
Ramble below, also template ref
Oh god where do i even start. This is the part where i reflect on myself and do nothing about it afterwards.
In thems of topics, it's mostly just apex d2 and wf. I've never made my own world and characters because most ideas that i have the motivation to make into art comes from me playing the game. Maybe that's why I don't really treat a lot of my original character as "original characters", because they're still bound to a game instead of, you know, born out of the blue i guess.
I barely did render this year... I mean, not just this year of course. I think I slightly got the hang of it these two months? At least I kinda have a pipeline that I can follow and could tolerate / fix some of my mistakes in the later stages (e.g., picking wrong colors for flat color and wanna fix it during rendering etc.). It's... kinda like OOP? Decoupling code? I think it just comes down to opening a million layers and not feeling bad about it. Anyway I think one of my improvements comes from here.
Another improvement would be the speed of doing sketches and the complexity of the lineart I can handle (idk how to say that). I need to draw comics and there would be a lot of people in there, so even if I don't practice specifically I still need to draw some human figures. The complexity part is due to me getting into warframe just because of how fucking complicated they all are. Maybe instead of lineart complexity I should say I'm comfortable drawing somewhat complex characters now without my brain overloading and immediately giving up. Still haven't drawn BT though.
That's probably all the obvious improvements I can think of. I didn't read as many books as last year, but the two main books I read last year are for perspective and anatomy, which I do find very very useful. I still often go back to check some anatomy stuff this year, and with me spam drawing comics I think I can draw human figures better than before... if I only consider proportion that is. I think I have to redo anatomy all over again especially for the muscle part. Also probably should do more real human reference practice... Well, you can probably guess why I said that at the start.
I do think the reason why I do so little rendering is because I mostly do comics. Most of my ideas have a plot and my idea list is waaaaay too long to actually color the comics. And as I feel more comfortable drawing comics I fear more when I wanna do rendering because of the skill gap I have between the two subjects. Also most of you come for silly comics so why do I do full rendered pieces anyways... Yeah, after typing that sentence I do feel wrong thinking like that. But oh well, I guess I can't escape the curse of liking to see numbers go up.
Speaking of numbers, here's some of them. Good thing I don't have to deal with Tumblr API myself.
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That's... quite a lot of followers, for me. I mean I don't stay in only one fandom so I have no idea why most of you followed me. Also sorry to ultrakill fans I just don't draw a lot for that game but I see some of you liking a ton of ultrakill post and immediately follows me. Kinda felt that I baited you folks for following me tbh...
Also 3 of my top 5 posts (2234 > 1726 > 1641 > 1531 > 1321) are ultrakill and I only have 27 ultrakill art posts (a lot fewer than other games) so... um, maaaaybe you should consider unfollowing me to clean up your timeline...?
Aaand here are the note stats per month because I've already typed this much so why not just include literally everything in one post
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The only thing I can analyze is that the note and post number started to lose correlation due to how much ramble shitpost I have these months.
Okay that's it. I intended to make another art summary for the lineart / unrendered art pieces, but there's just too many to choose from and I don't think you can infer more from these given that the rendered pieces already has lineart in them. Mostly.
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rocketspy · 1 day ago
GASP 🫵 furry!! (<- already knew) now you have to let us know what you think all the ava characters fursonas would be /hj (genuinely would love to know if you have thoughts on it lol)
KHDSFGJHD you're so true !! Well this might get. long, but it's mostly bc i wanna divide it in the animal i think they'd be bc of personality or bias, and the animal they'd actually choose as a fursona bc of personality and stuff
find that under the cut bc i fear being cringe and spammy /j
ALSO i'd be willing to listen to more hcs bc im just a guy with strange opinions
The Color Gang:
Orange/TSC: ·Personality wise: he's always felt pretty dog-like to me in personality, specifically i imagine him as a Corgi without a docked tail, it kinda looks like a very fluffy fox tail and it feels just like the kind of look Sec would have (this opinion is heavily influenced by previous hcs with my partner @/virmbot) ·Chosen(haha) : Orange seems to love animals that aren't too common/mainstream persay? so i think he'd choose something like an eel or a bird, i don't have specifics for these
Red: ·Personality wise: this might be a surprise but i imagine him like a boar/wild hog! seems very impulsive and stubborn to get what he must but in kind of an endearing way? plus im biased bc i love boars!! ·Chosen: A surprise to nobody, a domestic cat ! he loves how agile and mischievous cats are and sees that in himself >:)
Yellow: ·Personality wise: a crow or some sort of octopus, of course i'd choose smart animals for someone as smart as yellow, at least he is like massive brain for me bc i cannot for the life of me learn coding ·Chosen: Actually not too far away, i think he'd choose a cuttlefish or nautilus for his fursona, seems like someone who would like to stand out in the fandom for a strange fursona
Green: ·Personality wise: Rat, they're social creatures and LOVE attention ! besides they can be super cuddly and smart and i hc Green like that ·Chosen: Dog or Wolf, being an influencer i think he'd enjoy having an easy to draw, easy to get a fursuit of, and easy to market in general, he'd absolutely find a way to make it something unique though, maybe even a sparkledog
Blue: ·Personality wise: MOLE MOLE MOLE MOLE (wont elaborate, love moles very much, they give me hippie gardener vibes) ·Chosen: Maybe a Cow! theyre soft, big, love plants and fields, and making a witch cow sounds silly as hell
The Purple Family:
Purple: ·Personality wise: Thorny Devil, NOW i haven't watched the entirety of avm so i have only the asshole-ish half of Purple's personality even though i know most abt him thanks to the hardcore Pur fans, he does seem like he'd get threatened and go "FUCK U" before shooting you with eye blood though. alternatively a draco lizard ·Chosen: probably something like a deer/peryton , he seems like he'd enjoy deers and would find them calming? although maybe even some sort of bird or bug considering he enjoys flying
Orchid/Pink : ·Personality wise: This is going to sound. so horribly mean, BUT maybe a cuckoo bird, you know why /silly ·Chosen: Something cute and gay, maybe like.. idk a bird? probably a sparrow
Navy: ·Personality wise: Pigeon, because pigeons are known to gamble and are absolutely dogshit at building nests, also deemed as plagues most of the time (i hate this view of them though, i love pigeons with all my damn heart and i think when given a second chance theyre amazing pets, idk if this applies to navy but yknow) ·Chosen: he'd absolutely choose something cool like a doberman or a wolf bc he thinks hes so badass
King/Mango Tango: ·Personality wise: i don't know much if anything at all about him so i'm very sorry, but i will go by vibes only and say he'd be a lion ·Chosen: gonna be boring and say he'd also choose lion, something about being strong, soft and overall a symbol of power
The Hollow Duo:
TCO: ·Personality wise: dragon, yes is a mythological dragon but cmon, you cant tell me Cho doesn't give you OP emo dragon fursona vibes ·Chosen: i think he'd actually choose something simple, something that makes him feel normal, so maybe he'd go for the usual cat or dog (besides the idea of kitty Chosen sounds adorable!)
TDL: ·Personality wise: absolutely totally not biased by my friend playing Dark (@/kiruyeen) and saying stripped hyena :3, alternatively though, giant southern petrel, scavenger with a vendetta against anything that moves? checks out ·Chosen: now he'd ABSOLUTELY choose a spider, but specifically i think he'd choose a camel spider, purely because theyre terrifying to most people even if they aren't deadly, although they ARE solitary and aggressive predators
Rocket Corp:
Victim: ·Personality wise: Crow, no questions asked, theyre some of the most vengeful animals, theyre smart, and they grieve, hardcore ·Chosen: sheep, specifically a herdwick sheep because they're sweet and they put a smile on my face and we already know i project a lot onto victim /silly
Mitsi: ·Personality wise: Sheep, specifically a ryeland sheep, because theyre the most docile and willing to get tamed and affection from their caretakers and shepherds :3 ·Chosen: a fox ! she feels like she'd love foxes in general and would find them adorable
Agent: ·Personality wise: Dog, of course, i think most of the fandom can agree on this /silly ·Chosen: Still some kind of canine, maybe not exactly dog or wolf but yknow, something loyal
Hazard: ·Personality wise: Tardigrade, because of the resilience and being insanely op /silly ·Chosen: hamster, because she just likes hamsters ok? /silly
Primal/Paleo: ·Personality wise: Horse, specifically feels like a wild equus or some prehistoric kind of horse before any taming ·Chosen: still think she'd choose an ungulate, probably an equus or maybe even something like a wooly rhino !
Ballista: ·Personality wise: honey badger, resilient, stubborn, and willing to fight god and win, yknow? ·Chosen: Sea Dragon (like the seahorse) bc he thinks theyre cool as fuck! and maybe he knows about pokemon and thought they were venomous bc i think that would be so funny /silly
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thedragonagebigbang · 5 months ago
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Bang Creator Interview: Tumblr: @vaamiel  |  AO3: vaamiel
The Collaboration period has begun! In these quiet months before works are due, we want to foster a sense of excitement, camaraderie, and celebration among our participants. To that end, all participants were given the option of a formal interview by our mod, Dema, or an informal “ask-game” survey. We hope you enjoy getting to know our phenomenal creators as much as we have!
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Interview with Vaamiel
Vaamiel and Dema talk artistic development, childhood anime obsessions (-cough-Naruto-cough), and hoping to see Dorian in DA4
Dema: So, I know you take commissions, but have you done many exchanges before? Any Big Bangs?
Vaamiel: I've done a handful of exchanges over the years, but nothing really substantial. No big bangs either - though I've certainly read enough fics and seen enough art that others have done, haha. I'm sort of just... dipping my toes into the world of fanart for the first time since I was a teenager, so even though I've been drawing for ages, a lot of this is completely new territory for me.
Dema: Oh that is awesome! Welcome to the bang! What led you to return to fanart?
Vaamiel: I think a combination of a couple things: confidence in my own ability plays a big part of it – it's really intimidating to draw characters that I love so much and translating them into my style has always been difficult – but this past year is also the first time I've been really passionate about a game in... well, about a decade, and I think that's led to more experimentation and willingness to stick to learning subject matter that I otherwise struggle with. Mostly, Dragon Age coming back and Baldur's Gate 3 being out at the same time really pushed me back into the world of wanting to participate in fandom from more than the sidelines.
Dema: I really love your work. Artist to artist, how did you develop that confidence and style expression? What has that journey looked like for you?
Vaamiel: Thank you so much! It's funny actually, because the way I draw now has kind of... always been my style? It's just my technique and understanding of fundamentals that has improved. I can look back through my childhood sketchbooks and go, this was for SURE made by the same person, haha. As a kid I was all about anime and comics and games – particularly early gamecube and xbox stuff that relied on very stylized graphics to compensate for the technology. All of those things really saturated my brain and effectively became super tied to my own understanding of art and artistry and how I wanted to make art.
I've tried to emulate other styles or artists' techniques over the years, but (and I think this ties back to why I struggle with fanart) my own voice is so strong in my work that it really took all the joy out of creating. I've learnt over time that my personal art evolution is all about small changes and improvements, rather than trying to force ideas or ability through radical stylistic changes. Basically, I draw what I like and add things here or there as I come across something that I think would fit organically into my own style. That's been things like brushes or expressions or even the way I structure my sketches - all things that are small but can make a big difference in the overall picture. Add to that how my confidence has improved as my actual ability has improved, I think I've really organically grown into being better able to wrangle my style and apply that to fanart, original art, et cetera.
Dema: So now I do have to ask what fanart you were making as a kid and high-schooler? (I was a Sailor Moon kid. Sailor Scouts for ALL the most obscure celestial bodies one can imagine 😂)
Vaamiel: Hah! oh no 😂I was CRAZY about Naruto as a kid - actually, the first fanfiction I ever read was Naruto fanfiction. Then after that it was Homestuck, Inuyasha, Steven Universe, Pokemon, Dragon Age/Mass Effect... not necessarily in that order! I wish I was a Sailor Moon kid to be honest – would be WAY cooler than admitting I was a Naruto kid!
Dema: Inuyasha!!!!
Vaamiel: YES!
Dema: To be fair I am older than you by a pretty big margin LOL, I probably would have been a Naruto kid as well.
Vaamiel: LOL fair enough! It was in just the right time slot on cable when I was about...9 that the 4kids dub formed the foundation of my entire personality from that point onward.
Dema: So cute! Was there a particular moment that got you into Dragon Age fanwork?
Vaamiel: So, for my own work, I think it was the trailer last Dragon Age day and then in… January of this year or so, replaying Origins that had the cup finally spill over and I sat down and started making fanart. It was like my love for the series hit critical mass and with Veilguard coming up, it felt like the perfect time to actually try to make it work, you know? When it comes to appreciating Dragon Age fanart as a fan, it was two creators from tumblr that did it. Crystalvfae did a series of fanart that fundamentally altered my brain chemistry (I still look back on their painting of Morrigan and sigh sometimes - it is SO good). Then I found Spicyshimmy and was never the same. Their Anders/Hawke work is so special and got me into reading fanfiction voraciously in general. It totally reignited my love for reading and was the thing that got me into AO3!
Dema: Is there any specific bit of Veilguard that has you most excited? Or are you mostly avoiding spoilers?
Vaamiel: I am SO all in on all the Veilguard content honestly. I love trying to pick little bits out of the trailers and stills we've gotten so far and make connections to the lore/put together potential plot theories. I think I'm so excited for all of it? Like, I'm just ready to get back into the world of Thedas itself and experience a cool new story. Of course, I do love the graphical upgrade and all the locations we've seen so far and the costuming!! It's really all been exactly what I've been wanting. Also seeing Dorian again. That's probably pretty up there too.
Dema: Yes! Man. I cannot believe how cool Minrathous is. Dorian tried to tell us, but I am still flabbergasted.
Vaamiel: He was right!! All along!!! We really were in a different century.
Dema: As far as the current collaboration process goes, how are you feeling? Are the ideas percolating? Are the sketches sketching?
Vaamiel: Yes! I feel amazing about the partnership I've got!! I've got some scenes that I've got some sketches going for already – as soon as I read my fic I could see exactly where I wanted to take the art. The atmosphere is so good and the writing lends itself perfectly to the kind of pieces that I love to make. I'm really, really excited to be creating for this fic and collaboration!
Dema: I am delighted to hear that, we cannot wait to see what everyone creates!
Vaamiel: That was Very Difficult to be appropriately vague for haha - it really is an absolute delight to be working with my partners and I can't wait to talk about this fic and the art I'm making for it.
Dema: It is soooo hard to ask questions that are not POINTED hahahahaha, as someone on the inside who knows everyone's matches. You get an A+
Vaamiel: Yay!!!! I’m glad I was able to keep things appropriately mysterious 😌
Dema: Thank you so much for taking the time to chat with me today, it has been super fun!
Vaamiel: Absolutely! Thank you so much for hosting this interview and all the work you've put in for this event!! This has been a blast!
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journey-to-the-attic · 3 months ago
Is it weird that I want some reaction, and conon reaction to demigod!IK (It would be cool if you did)
i'll see what i can cook up!! just keep in mind that i don't really know how pj works lol - i'm basically looking at the fandom wiki page for demigod abilities and trying to construct stuff around that
it'd be funny if ik had started encountering monsters shortly before being summoned to the devildom, so when she gets there she immediately starts trying to fight everyone
she was given a scimitar imbued with abilities of some sort but she keeps defaulting to hitting people with a frying pan
i say maybe this is a situation where monsters found them first and (drawing on my faint memory of the first book) she fully thinks her dad was killed by one, and is currently on the run
meanwhile the actual gods are trying to track her down to tell her what's going on and ik is somehow evading every last one of them
basically she has no idea what's going on and is super paranoid and is also discovering a whole bunch of demigod powers so she is going CRAZY
so she just. keeps going. diavolo is trying to defuse the situation and explain things but ik is just like "ARGHHH GO AWAY" and THWACKS him the pan
lucifer has to send his other brothers out of the council room while he attempts to help get things under control, but wow is ik a handful
of course they don't want to actually kill her, but ik thinks they do, and is retaliating accordingly
i'm going to say that the powers she gets from melinoe are mostly diminished versions of the powers of children of hades - which includes a whole bunch of stuff actually
but at this point she hasn't really developed them, so what's happening is that she keeps zipping around the dark spots of the room, hitting the demons in the face with her frying pan, then running away again
then she smashes through a window and starts running, and now everyone is really panicking
past a certain point they have to resort to trying to settle her down using force - which is unnerving, because ik just keeps going through all the injuries that were meant to immobilise her
the thing that finally gets her to calm down is when diavolo and lucifer accidentally run into each other cartoon-style, and it makes her laugh so hard that it snaps her out of it
she gets like half an explanation out before one of the rad professors arrives and immediately sedates her
diavolo finally gets to have a proper conversation with her. prior to going in he has a serious talk with lucifer about how they might have to just send her back if she's going to be so disruptive and hostile
when he comes out of the conversation he's immediately like "actually she is staying here forever"
he feels so bad for her dude. like, that is way too much to be going through at that age
lucifer is hesitant but can't go against diavolo's wishes, so he begrudgingly agrees to keep watch over her
ik is actually quite well-behaved after resting for a while, but the other brothers are low-key a little terrified of her now
lucifer, to be honest, thinks it's a bit of a blessing because at least now they're a bit quieter around the house. though he does feel a little bad for ik now
ik befriends solomon first in this au (he hears about what she did upon first arrival and thinks it's hilarious)
maybe solomon already knows about demigod thing (perhaps he even is one himself) so he's the one who explains everything
then monsters start appearing in the devildom as well and the brothers wake up at like 2am to find ik basically fist-fighting one in the yard while simultaneously trying to shush it
they sort of warm up to each other after that
hmm would belphie be able to kill ik in this au?? maybe if he tried really hard... although at the same time ik does have some nightmare-related powers from melinoe so maybe she just helps him out and he doesn't end up trying
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ch-go-crazy-yall · 4 months ago
Intro Post - Rover / Weatherstrip
⭐️ Since, someone, no one in particular of course, wished for this, here's an intro post for my Side Blog. I post art sometimes, but I'll mostly reblog it, or reblog random stuff.
⭐️ The user name for this blog is stupid because I thought it would be a temporary filament for a small countryhumans hyperfixation. No. I was wrong and I’m too attached to the original name “@ch-go-crazy” to ever let go of it, or rebrand… much from the original. The nickname of being “That WHO and America artist” is because I draw those to ch interpretations a lot. Just because I can.
⭐️ My main is: @polarized-here If you want to be mutuals, just follow me on there or ask 👍 I don’t mind having ch mutuals, I just can’t follow you on this blog. 👍
⭐️ I use the monikers - Rover, Weatherstrip, WHO, etc., some call me Polar or Tori; I don't care. I'm 17, Autistic, Pansexual, and Genderfluid. I use all prns (He/She/They/it/xir) etc etc. use the pronouns you use for yourself, use the obnoxious joke pronouns, use all pronouns or use none. I don’t care. It doesn’t really matter much. I still get tripped up on some pronouns, so it doesn’t really matter to me. Like a lot of things.
⭐️ This is a countryhumans/countryballs/country-personification sideblog I've made after getting sucked back into this fandom 😔😔😔 Because of school, I have a really bad US history hyperfixation, and now a Hyperfixation on ch USA. Despite this, and the 10 books I currently have on US history, I plan to pursue aeronautical engineering, or Astrophysics, idk, whichever I fall into or have more fun in, I guess. I've been in the trenches of this fandom in the early days of 2018-2020, before the hyperfixation came back in November of last year, and I have since been stuck in here for a year, no amount of insults will do anything—just block my faggot ass. I promise nothing bad will happen for you using the resources given to you <3
⭐️ I may talk about my distaste of this fandom and its choices, but that doesn’t mean I want to hear you saying shit about particular people <3 Thxs <3
Tags and stuffs are under the cut <3
Tags I use: Just a note, I'm not organized at all, and may forget to tag something because I posted it to the wrong blog, sorry, it will happen again </3
#chgc's art - my art tag
#chgc posting: going insane a day later - Tag for when I reblog my art a day later, just so it doesn't get buried like, from all the reblogs
#chgc speaks - speaking tag,
#chgc's rambles - also paired with my speaking / nonsense tag, but I plan to use it to talk about HCs I might have
#Not ch - gen tag for noncountryhumans / country personification dings,,,,
#silly stuff :3 - cute or enjoyable things I like, usually paired with "not ch"
#Serious stuff - gen tag for more serious things. Can be things that aren't "sad or triggering" just information that's important / serious.
#sillies between mooties :3 - tag for general interactions between me and my mutuals. usually paired w/ "silly stuffs :3"
#chgc's pinned posts - as the name suggests, stuff for when it is/used to be pinned for whatever.
#chgc’s queued up - for the rare time I feel the need to queue shit up. I usually don't do it.
#USA coded - for stupid (usually non ch / country personification things) videos / other posts that make me think of the blorbo. All usually are just jokes or are for funsies.
⭐️ If you’re reading this, you’re cool ig. Here’s the link to the playlist I made for Countryhumans America. 🙏
⭐️ Okay. That’s all. Idk. Rue the day I’m ever brief on something, Thxs. Bye.
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⭐️ Oh Yeagh and forgot to say but my sona is a bee
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Just a sillay guy. A little older sketch but ehh mostly the same now
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gt-jar · 6 months ago
The poll is far from being over and the majority of the g/t community probably doesn't know about secret santa 2024 yet, but I wanna start with organizing everything as soon as possible!!!
I'm not gonna explain what secret santa is in general (or is that necessary?) and will skip to the important changes right away.
Here are a few things I want to exclude this year.
- fandom g/t (This secret santa is going to be for original artists/writers only. If your blog is centered around fandom g/t, no problem :) But the gift you're going to make has to be original!)
- vore (Sorry, guys! Last year only a small portion of participates was into vore, which will probably be the case this year too. And the chances of a vore blog drawing a giftee who's also into vore are so low that there's no point in including it. Also last year I was exposed to many different types of vore (the list you had to sent me) and... I want to avoid that this time. If your blog includes vore, no problem! But make sure it's tagged properly, if you want to participate, so your secret santa can block it in case it makes them uncomfortable.)
- nsfw (This one is a given. And doesn't count as change, since it wasn't allowed last year either, but I wanted to make this one clear. Also! Don't participate with a blog that includes nsfw stuff! I have 'NSFW DNI' in my bio for a reason!)
Something else I want to adress:
If you're going to participate I want you to take this event seriously.
What does that mean you ask?
Well, it means that you should put effort into the gift you're going make (and don't participate if you know you won't have the time, obviously) :)
I don't want people to think they can get a commission basically for free and can get away with spending like 10 minutues on the gift for their giftee...
How do I make sure that doesn't happen?
For writing it's easy. If you want to participate solely as a writer (or already know you're going to write a one-shot as a gift) the one-shot you're going to write has to have a certain word count. Aiming for at least 1k words.
When it comes to art, it unfortunately gets a little tricky, because you can't really measures art. Well you can based on the time you spent on it, but that's something I can't supervise and also depends on the artist's skill level. Speaking of skill level, I don't want to exclude anybody depending on their skill level nor do I want to discourage beginner artists, BUT!
You don't have to be a professional artist nor do you need years of experience to ensure (This mostly applies to traditional art. Digital art will be allowed as well, of course!):
- you erase something completely, if you need to use an eraser
- the pencil lines look clean and aren't smudged or wonky
- that if you use colored pencils the color is applied evenly (no visible pencil strokes, no paper showing)
- the drawing is on paper made for drawing and not writing (don't use checkered paper for example)
And I know anatomy is hard (I know shit about it myself, so who am I to judge?), but I believe it doesn't take years of anatomy lessons to not draw one arm/leg/eye twice as thick as the other.
And just so you know... if I can't find any art/writing on your blog, I won't let you participate.
Which brings me to one of the most important and drastic changes:
Sorry, not sorry!
Like I said in my last post, if I'm going to host secret santa this year, I want to guarantee the exchange runs soothly. Last year definitely taught me a lesson and now I know I was way too naive :)
I let anyone who wanted to participate, even though I never saw that person in the g/t community before, even though that person didn't have a g/t centric blog and I needed to scroll for ages to find a g/t related post/reblog (if I could find any at all), even though my guts were telling me 'maybe I shouldn't let that person participate'.... BIG MISTSKE!
Also this is something that @might-be-tiny-gt point out to me (and I'm kinda dumb for not looking at it from this perspective), but I want you to know that not a single one of the participates who never posted the gift for their giftee reached out to me to inform me about being unable to provide a gift, so yeah...
I won't be so lax this year!
There will also be some organizational changes, I'll go into more detail about it in a separate post (general guide how to participate), but something I want to adress now is the "Do's & Don't's" lists.
First of all, you won't send me your list/I won't send you the list of your giftee. Waaaaay too much unnecessary work for me.
All the participates are going to post it on their blog, so your secret santa can look it up for themself. But more on that later!
What's more important is the list itself. Something I noticed last year was that the people were waaaaaaaay too specific. Remember that the "Do's" are merely a suggestion for your secret santa, so me pointing this out isn't all that important, but if you're looking/hoping for something super specific as a gift, maybe you should look for people who are making commissions instead.
"Do's" are supposed to be things like general g/t genres, like romanctic/platonic relationships, fluff/angst/fearplay, shrinking/size-shifting, fantasy (fairies)/classic borrower stories, etc...
Or simple prompts like first meetings, giant finds tiny in the snow, sick fics and so on.
That was the most important information for now, I think...
If you want to participate, you can let me know already :)
So far not too many people have voiced that they want to participate, I hope that's going to change in the next few days, I also think last year was such a success (participate number wise) because some really popular g/t blogs reblogged my original post, and maybe it's not the best decision to post this when most of the g/t community is asleep, but... meh!
Let's get this party started!
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ask-yha · 8 months ago
Welcome to Ask YHA Characters!!!
Hello! As this blog's name would imply, you can ask anything to any Year Hare Affair character, and they'll answer accordingly, accompanied with some art, of course!
((Some outside info here: The author of this blog is PaleoHansi! You can also find me on Reddit, YouTube and Fandom if you're interested!))
General rules and other stuff to keep in mind:
I do not know every single YHA character. I am working on finding and documenting all of them, tho
Keep things civil. I will not draw NSFW, gore or anything like that.
On politics and history, I will try to keep things accurate to time period and how I think characters would act, meaning not every opinion that may be expressed on answers reflect my own.
Also on politics and history, I will not just be drawing nazi Hans or whatever other fishy political stuff for an ask that doesn't add something else interesting.
I'm not native to every single country, so don't expect me to know everything about them! If you feel like a depiction is wrong, let me know about and I will be morethan happy to look deeper into stuff.
On shipping, send me anything! Unless your ship actively makes me uncomfortable, I will be more than hapy to do something relating to it. Keep in mind that this blog is mainly my headcannons, tho.
Every time a comment is between (()), it means it is out of character! Mostly will be used for author talks or extra notes.
Comments made on the comment section of any given post, unless said otherwise, is out of character.
Thanks for reading, and happy asking!
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